# Cat Wave RUN

A hugh wave of tsunami is coming. Your cat should run and escape from it, otherwise, it'll be forced to take a bath.

# How to Play:

Use the arrow key or WSAD to control your cat or defeat the enemy by clicking the arrow in order.


## killing slime or run upward will gain your score!

blue: normal

green: low attack rate but it has powerful attack

red: deadly and rare slime

## "Event" will indicate the current occurring event and "Wave" will show how far the wave from your cat.

# What is 10s?

Every 10s, The wave will start move toward player in a growing rate. 

Every 10s, There will be a global event happens.

Every 10s, cat can regenerate it's health

Every 10s, any more 10s? give me 10 more days to get more 10s!!!!!

# Credit:

Thanks all for playing our game!

Programming: CooLguNxDD

level design: Destiny2028 and CooLguNxDD

Game Idea: Destiny2028 and CooLguNxDD

Art and animation: CooLguNxDD,

Thanks to kenney Asset! https://www.kenney.nl/

THanks Noob for the cat: https://opengameart.org/content/2d-cat-sprite

Thanks to War: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/high-fantasy-slime-enemy-228...


Music/SFX: CooLguNxDD, https://www.kenney.nl/, https://creators.aiva.ai/, https://sfbgames.itch.io/chiptone

# Quick Note:

To defeat me CooLgunxDD you need:


BEAT ME!!!!!!